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Wisdom Teeth Extraction


The extraction of the wisdom teeth or the wisdom tooth is the removal of the third molars, this can be simple or complex if the tooth is impacted in which case it requires to be treated by a specialist.

Wisdom teeth depending on their position entail greater complexity in the extraction, this procedure is performed in the clinic by the surgeon.

 If you are a mother thinking about this procedure for your son or daughter, we have created a schedule for this procedure on Saturdays that way you do not have to miss your job or your children's school and you will have time to recover.

 Call right now for an appointment with the specialist and schedule the procedure. If you have questions about the cost, call right now and ask about Dr. Nelly Valencia's in-house dental plan in Miami.

  • Permanent solution
  • Improved chewing and speaking
  • Natural function and look
  • Improved facial appearance
  • Prevention of bone loss
  • No special care required
  • Very sturdy and secure
  • No diet restrictions
  • Can be changed or updated

(305) 649-4242

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